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Paphiopedilum linii    SCHOSER

Section: Barbata

Synonym: Paph. bullenianum var. linii


Occurrence: Sarawak (Malysia, Borneo) and Kalimatan (Indonesia, Borneo)

The former discovery site in the Bako National Park is said to no longer exist because a hotel has been built here. According to unconfirmed information, however, there are still some plants on the offshore islands.

Image from Orchid Digest 4/1986

The plants from the Kalimantan site are classified as Paph. lini var. kalimantanensis has been described (Orchid Digest 6/1981).

Today, offspring are available again.

Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0019




A comparison: left = bullenianum right = linii

Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0050

Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0054